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Leaning Towers of the World

leaning towers of the world, the oldest architecture in the world

The Leaning towers of the World Architecture is one of the oldest and most basic human arts that has been with mankind throughout history. The culture of societies can also be found in the architecture of many historical narratives in the brick rows of historical buildings.

In this article, we will introduce a list of leaning towers in the world. We suggest you stay with Sepahran Blog until the end of the article.


Over time, this applied art became a cultural and religious symbol and model of societies. Today, many of the remaining historical buildings and towers are explained and defined with such a function. From another point of view, these buildings have another function, which of course is in conflict with their nature and reason for existence, and basically they were never built for this purpose.

One of these functions is related to the tourism of historical monuments, which is a simple and basic form of such functions.
Therefore, the historical age, the process of events that happened to the building, their belonging to a famous person or historical event, etc. can increase the importance of tourism of such buildings.In this category of buildings, there are mansions and buildings that are more superior than others.

An accident in the construction or maintenance of these buildings is the main reason for the attraction of such historical buildings.
Today we will introduce the most famous leaning towers in the world and we hope this article will be useful for you. Stay with us with Sepahran blog.


Leaning towers of the world from image to reality:

  • Church tower of Suurhusen (Germany)
  • Frankenhausen Church Tower (Germany)
  • Bedum Tower (Netherlands)
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy)
  • Towers of Bologna (Italy)
  • Tower of Tiger Hill Pagoda (China)
  • Oude Kerk Tower (Netherlands)
  • Trony Tower (Poland)
  • Novinskiy Tower (Russia)
  • Leaning Temple of Huma(India)
  • Big Ben Tower (UK)
  • Karim Khan Zand Citadel (Iran)


Church tower of Suurhusen (Germany)

The highest degree of tilting among the world’s towers belongs to the “Sorhosen Church” tower, which currently has a degree of tilting of 5.193 degrees, which a simple comparison with the 1.22 degree angle of the “Tower of Pisa” in itself shows how amazing.

So, the height of the medieval tower is 32 meters and its construction dates back to 1495. The gradual tilting process of the tower started in the 19th century.
The expert reason for this incident is the swampy bed on which the church is built. To deal with the subsidence of the building in the swamp, measures were taken, one of which was the provision of an oak foundation, which is the most important and perhaps the only reason for the tilting of the church tower is counted.

The decay of oak wood over time led to a process that continues today.


Church tower of Suurhusen (Germany)
leaning towers of the world


Latin name Year of manufacture (AD)


Suurhusen Tower


Church tower of Suurhusen


Frankenhausen Church Tower (Germany)

This church was built in 1638 in Bad Frankenhausen, Germany. This church became an unstable structure due to the location of its bed in the area of underground water springs. In such a way that its tower became out of symmetry almost in the first year or two of the construction of the church and gradually became oriented towards the ground level.
The severity of the tilting angle of this tower is such that today, with 4.8 degrees in relation to the vertical surface, it is in the second row of the list of the most tilted architectural structures in the world.

So, The continuation of this process and the failure of the engineers’ efforts to contain it have led to the experts’ hope for its continued existence, and many engineers believe that soon parts of the church, including its tower, will collapse and be destroyed.


Frankenhausen Church Tower (Germany)
leaning towers of the world


Latin name

Year of manufacture (AD)


Frankenhausen Tower


Frankenhausen Church Tower


Bedum Tower (Netherlands)


The bell tower of “Bedum City Cathedral” in “Netherlands” is another leaning tower in the world, with a height of about 36 meters, it has a deviation of 2.16 meters. This amount of deviation in terms of height difference has caused this tower to rank higher than “Pisa Tower”.

Curbing the continued increase of the slope has put the conditions of the tower in a suitable and stable position, but still could not stop the gradual process of its tilting.

Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Bedum Tower


Bedum Tower


Bedum Tower
Bedum Tower


Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy)

This tower is definitely the most famous leaning tower in the world and for many people, it evokes the first and only idea of a building being crooked.

The tower is located in the city of “Pisa” in “Italy” and its height reaches 55.86 meters in the shorter part and 56.67 meters in the longer part.

The beginning of the construction of this tower dates back to 1173 AD.The tower was actually built with the approach to be a symbol for the city’s cathedral. But very soon, while only three floors were built, it began to bend towards the southeast, which stopped its construction for a hundred years.

After this period, in 1234, another architect named “Pizano” continued the work, but he could not find a solution to the bending of the tower. So, After him, the task of installing the tower arches was entrusted to another person. Until finally, the construction of the “Pisa Tower” was finished in its current condition and the tower finally reached a height of 56.70 meters.

At the beginning, the angle of the tower was 6.3 degrees relative to the vertical surface. At present, the tower has deviated a staggering 2.4 meters from its original line and continues to do so. Many believe that taking into account the 2.5 cm deviation of the tower every year, the building will fall completely in less than eighty years. However, measures have been taken to prevent it.

Experts consider the main cause of the tower’s deviation to be related to the underlying soil, which is a collection of sand, soil and clay.

leaning towers of the world
Leaning Tower of Pisa



Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Pisa Tower


Leaning Tower of Pisa


Towers of Bologna (Italy)

Garisenda Tower with a height of 48 meters is one of the two famous towers of the city of Bologna. This tower was built together with “Asinelli Tower” (with a height of 97 meters) in the years 1109 to 1119. The reason for the popularity of these two towers, which are considered a symbol of the city of “Bologna” in addition to being several hundred years old, is their inclusion in the list of the world’s leaning towers.

Experts have announced the reason for the gradual tilting of these towers since the middle of the 14th century due to the presence of soft soil under “Garisenda”.

The gradual process of tilting the towers has, of course, stopped to a large extent today. However, at the moment, “Asinelli Tower” has 1.3 degrees and “Garisenda”, 4 degrees deviation.

Towers of Bologna
leaning towers of the world



Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Bologna tower italy


Towers of Bologna


Tower of Tiger Hill Pagoda (China)

“Yun Yan Pagoda” was built in 961 AD on a hill known as “Tiger” in “Suzhou” province with a height of about 47 meters in the shape of a hexagon and seven floors. Placing a part of the building of this Buddhist temple on the stone bed and the other part on the soil surface, led to the fact that the tower is gradually tilted due to the sedimentation of the soil during more than a thousand years. In such a way that its level has now reached the angle of three degrees from the surface of the bed. The experience of curbing the gradual tilting in this tower is more successful than other types, and the injection of concrete in the soil part of the foundation has made the condition of the tower stronger and more resistant than before.


leaning towers of the world
Tower of Tiger Hill Pagoda (China)



Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Yunyan pagoda tower


Tower of Tiger Hill Pagoda


Oude Kerk Tower (Netherlands)

The old church of “Oude Kerk” is located in the city of “Delft” in the country of “Netherlands”.
This building was added as a bell tower three centuries after the church was built between 1325 and 1350 AD.
Its height is about 75 meters and it is one of the leaning towers in the world. The base of the tower rests on a canal that, although filled in at the time of construction, remained unstable.Therefore, the architects tried to prevent this deviation in each floor during the construction of the tower.

But it seems that this effort was not effective and the rest of the tower remained tilted except for the top four turrets.


Leaning towers of the world
Oude Kerk Tower (Netherlands)



Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Oude Kerk Tower (Netherlands)


Oude Kerk Tower


Trony Tower (Poland)

Trony Tower was built in the 13th century as a part of the defensive wall of the city. But its use changed from the 18th century and since then it has continued to exist in different uses such as “prison”, “blacksmithing”, “gun house”, “shop” and “coffee shop”.

The reason for the tilting of this tower is its placement on an unstable bed, which led to its upper part being 1.5 meters deviated from the vertical position. Of course, this process has stopped today and the fear of the collapse of this valuable historical work has disappeared.


leaning towers of the world
Trony Tower (Poland)



Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Trony Tower

13th century

Trony Tower


Novinskiy Tower (Russia)

This tower was built by the order of Peter the Great in the years 1721 to 1745 with a height of about 57.5 meters for military use. But due to the instability of its bed and soil erosion due to the movement of underground water, it soon deviated. In such a way that today this amount has reached three degrees.
Of course, to prevent the deviation process, it was used during the construction of angular bricks.
In order to tilt the tower to the other side and stop its tilting process.

leaning towers of the world
Novinskiy Tower (Russia)


Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Novinskiy Tower


Novinskiy Tower


Leaning Temple of Huma(India)

The tower of the Homa temple in the state of Orissa(odisha) in India is not only not crooked, but it is very resistant and fundamentally designed and built. What has placed this temple in the list of leaning towers in the world is the building of the temple itself, which is considered a sacred place “Shiva” belongs to the Hindu god.

The reason for the tilt of this temple is not known and no one knows about its history. However, despite the curvature of the temple, its dome is completely perpendicular to the ground, which is one of the top attractions of this holy Hindu temple.

leaning towers of the world
Leaning Temple of Huma(India)


Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Leaning Temple of Huma


Leaning Temple of Huma


Big Ben Tower (UK)

“Big Ben” or “Clock Tower” is the largest and at the same time one of the most famous clock towers in the world. This tower is located as a part of the “Palace of Westminster” on the northeast side of the British Parliament building in the city of “London” and its construction dates back to 1856.

The height of this beautiful tower is 96 meters from the ground, and there are large clocks in its four directions, which make it even more magnificent. The degree of tilting of the tower cannot be seen by the eye.
But according to the official announcement of the British Parliament, the tower is tilted 0.26 degrees to the northwest due to London Underground excavations and underground development plans.

More interestingly, its speed has increased by 0.9 mm per year since 2003.


leaning towers of the world
Big Ben Tower (UK)


Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Big Ben Tower (UK)


Big Ben Tower (UK)


Karim Khan Zand Citadel (Iran)

In this list, there is an empty place for a famous Iranian work. “Karimkhan Zand Citadel” in “Shiraz” is another historical building that is included in this list due to the tilting of one of its towers. The northwest tower of the citadel with a height of 15 meters was not placed parallel to the other towers at the time of construction due to soil settlement and the inability of the ground to bear its weight. Therefore, its relocation to the west led to the fact that the rectangular structure of the citadel was not preserved. The tower in its new location also suffered subsidence due to the mentioned reasons, and this process led to its tilting more.

However, this process has been stopped today with the strengthening of the lower bed of the tower and the risk of its collapse has completely disappeared.


leaning towers of the world
Karim Khan Zand Citadel (Iran)



Latin name Year of manufacture (AD) location
Arge Karim Khan


Karim Khan Zand Citadel (Iran)




The leaning towers of the world are known as symbols of cities and countries.They are also considered important tourist destinations. In this article, you got acquainted with some of the leaning towers of the world and saw their pictures. If you know another tower that is not in this list, please comment in the comments section.

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