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The Biggest Cave in World

The biggest cave in world, The largest natural cave

If you like to explore and travel and seeing new places is attractive and exciting for you. If you want to know where the world’s largest cave is, we suggest you stay with Sepahran blog until the end of the article.

Son Doong is considered to be the largest cave in the Vietnam and the biggest cave in world, found by Ho Khanh- Phong Nha jungle man in 1990. Therefore, Son Dong Cave has a length of nearly 9 kilometers and its volume is up to 38.5 million cubic meters. So, this cave is known as the largest natural cave on the planet.

However, what makes Son Doong special and recognized by the world is the unique hidden underground world inside the cave itself. It has many complex and giant stalactites (over 80m high),and rain forests growing inside the cave. The ecosystem of the cave itself has a mysterious underground river, the end of which has not yet been discovered by any explorer.

Undoubtedly, Samaesan Cave in Samaesan Bay, Thailand is the most dangerous cave in the world.


The world’s largest cave in Vietnam

In 2009, Hang Son Doong was officially surveyed and measured by the The British -Vietnam Cave Expedition Team led by Howard Limbert. The Expedition team then announced it as the world’s largest natural cave with a volume of 38.5 million m3.

The measurements were then accepted by a number of world’s senior karst geologists including Dr. Tony Waltham. This team along with National Geographic magazine had announced Son Doong Cave as the largest natural limestone cave on the planet in the same year. In 2013, the Guinness World Records Organisation recorded it as the world’s largest natural cave.

Estimated by cave experts that a 40-storey skyscraper can easily fit in this passage and it is large enough for a Boeing 747 to fly through. Moreover, the world’s tallest stalagmite, about 80m tall, is also located in this passage.

The collapsed ceiling of Son Doong formed a big opening to the outside, called Doline 1 (or skylight), Approximately 450 m high from the top to the bottom. This is also where the underground river disappears. On sunny days, there will be giant sunbeams coming in (from about 11 am to 1 pm), especially from January to March every year. Due to the solar orbit, the sunbeams shine deep inside the cave, illuminating the large passages. The beam from above the sky and the mist from the underground river create a majestic scene that cannot be found elsewhere.


Where is the world’s largest water cave?

As one of the biggest attractions of Hamadan province and the world’s largest water cave, Alisadr is ranked among the most popular sites of Iran with thousands of visitors year-round, especially in spring and summer.

This cave is located in Kabood Ahang, a city 60 Km from Hamadan. The distance from Kabudarahang to Alisadr Village is 50 Km. This cave is located on the elevated lands of Sari Qieh, meaning the yellow rock.


The largest vertical cave in the world

Son Doong is located in the oldest and largest limestone massif in Southeast Asia with an age of more than 400 million years. Types of shells, snails, and most corals would make up limestone. Due to the movements of the earth’s crust, the layers of sediment rose and formed the limestone mountains as they are today. According to scientists, Son Doong was formed about 2-3 million years ago along a fault of the Truong Son Range, the modern-day Thuong River now passes through Son Doong Cave.

also, the biggest vertical cave with deep is 603 m (1,978 ft) in Vrtoglavica Cave in Slovenia.


What is the largest cave in the world?

With this volume, Hang Son Doong is 5 times larger than Deer cave in Malaysia, which was said to be the largest natural cave (before Hang Son Doong was discovered) with 9.5 million cubic metres of volume.


The biggest cave in world Hang Son Doong 

Underground river in Hang Sun Dong cave

An underground river flows in the cave, which is home to many species of fish, which are developed to adapt to the eternal darkness of the cave. Up to now, in Son Doong Cave, biologists have found more than 7 new species of animals, including some species of fish, millipedes, spiders, and scorpions… with the same feature of no eyes and transparent bodies.

With such a huge size, Son Doong has its weather system, the temperature is around 22 to 25 degrees Celsius in summer and 15 to 20 degrees Celsius in winter. It is always lower than outside from 8 to 12 degrees Celsius in the summers due to the effect of lack of sunlight, damp atmosphere and difference in air pressure, causing airflow.

Son Doong Cave is located in the core zone of Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park, near the Laos–Vietnam border which has twice been recognized by UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage Site in 2003 and 2015.

Thanks to Son Doong, other tours and services in the region have opened and developed. A lot of homestays and hotels were built for tourists and many people have jobs with stable incomes. The Son Doong tour has created jobs for 125 men in Phong Nha and hundreds of indirect jobs for locals through food supplies, accommodations, transfers, and many others.


final word

At the end of the article about the biggest cave in the world, if you decide to travel to Vietnam one day, it is better to know that this country has several exciting caves and other tourist areas in addition to these caves. Stay with Sepehran blog to benefit from the best articles in the world.


Frequently Asked Questions


In which country is the world's largest cave?
What is the name of the largest cave in the world?
Hang Son Doong



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