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Shahdad Kalouts Desert

The Shahdad Kalouts of Kerman are the biggest sand cliffs formations in the world and are among the scenic and tourist attractions of Kerman.
This natural attraction encompasses the largest desert and kalout phenomena in the world, and is also the most unique desert feature. The salt springs in this area, which spread across 100 hectares emerging from the ground, make the natural landscape of this region unparalleled in the world.
Furthermore, the lowest point in Iran, at an elevation of 56 meters above sea level, is located in these Kalouts. 20 kilometers away from Shahdad Kalouts, there’s an area named “Gandom Beryan” covering roughly 480 square kilometers. Its surface is covered with dark volcanic residues, and its dark color absorbs sunlight more than usual. Continue with the Sepehran blog to learn more details about the Shahdad Kalouts in Kerman.

In the continuation of this article, stay with us on the Sepehran blog to know more details about Shahdad Kalouts desert.

In the Shahdad Kalouts of Kerman article, you’ll read:

  • Where are the Shahdad Kalouts of Kerman?
  • Accommodations near the Shahdad Kalouts of Kerman.
  • Best time to visit the Shahdad Kalouts of Kerman.
  • How to get to the Shahdad Kalouts of Kerman.
  • Nearby attractions to Shahdad Kalouts.
  • Shahdad Kalouts on the map.
Shahdad Kalouts Desert
Shahdad Kalouts Desert

Where are the Shahdad Kalouts of Kerman?

“Kalout” refers to a collection of sandy mountains that have primarily eroded due to the flow of desert winds. This erosive flow, when passing through the sandy and clayey bed of the desert, carries sand particles and furrows the surface of the plain where the Kalouts emerge. This process results in the creation of pristine landscapes that are unparalleled anywhere else in the world.

The Shahdad plain is located in a desert region and encompasses the largest Kalouts in Iran. These formations rank among the most beautiful natural landscapes in the world. So much so, that National Geographic magazine has selected it as the fourth most impressive natural attraction in the world.

Location of kalut shahdad desert on the map


The Naming of Shahdad Kalouts

The term “Kalout” is derived from a combination of two words: “Kal” meaning “settlement” or “habitat” and “Lut”, which refers to the Lut desert region.

So, the reason for this name stems from the earthen structures that, from a distance, make the area look like a city situated in the heart of a desert. This region, covering approximately 11,000 square kilometers, is located 40 kilometers from the Shahdad area.

Therefore, It is referred to as one of the “thermal poles of the Earth” and, in other words, is dubbed the hottest point on Earth. It lacks any form of animal or plant life, and such an extreme temperature even prevents the existence of various types of bacteria.

Shahdad Kaluts desert
Shahdad Kaluts desert

Features of Kalut Shahdad:

The relative height of Shahdad area is about 430 meters above sea level. This area is located 30 km west of Dasht Lut, overlooking the Takab plain and 87 km northeast of Kerman city.

This city is one of the ancient cities of Kerman province, which goes back to 6 thousand years ago under the name “Khabis”. Among its most important historical works, we can mention the metal flag, which is the oldest existing flag in the world.

The water needed for Shahdad is supplied from a branch of the Derakhtangan river. At the place of Chahar Farsakh Gorge, it is separated from the permanent flow of the Derakhngan River and flows towards Shahdad. Therefore, its valuable existence has led to the formation of various types of citrus orchards and massive date palm trees in Shahdad.


Features of Shahdad Kalouts

The relative height of the Shahdad region above sea level is approximately 430 meters. Located about 30 kilometers west of the Lut plain, overlooking the Tekab valley, and 87 kilometers northeast of the city of Kerman, Shahdad is one of the ancient cities of the Kerman province. Known historically as “Khabis”, it dates back 6,000 years. One of its most significant historical artifacts is a metal flag referred to as the “Shahdad Standard”, considered the oldest existing flag in the world.

The water supply for Shahdad comes from a branch originating from the “Derakhtangan” river. At a location called “Chahar Farsakh Narrows”, the water diverges from the main flow of the Derakhtangan river towards Shahdad. Therefore, this valuable water source has given rise to various citrus orchards and vast date palm groves in Shahdad.


Accommodations Near the Shahdad Kalouts

If you’re looking to stay near the Shahdad Kalouts of Kerman and prefer traditional accommodations, keep the following list in mind:

  • Baba’Attar Ecotourism Residence
    Location: Kerman – Shahdad – Vali Abad village – 32 kilometers from Shahdad Kalouts.
  • Shahdad Kalouts Ecotourism Residence
    Location: Kerman – Shahdad – Shafie Abad village.
  • Derafsh Ecotourism Residence
    Location: Shahdad – Imamzadeh Zaid alley – Alley 1.
  • Kashkilu Ecotourism Residence
    Location: Shahdad – Pasdaran Square – Shafa Street – Next to Shafa 7.
Residences around shahdad kaluts desert
Residences around shahdad kaluts desert


Best Time to Visit Shahdad Kalouts

It goes without saying that summer is not the ideal season to visit the Kalouts of Shahdad, Kerman. It’s best to travel to Shahdad Kalouts at the beginning of spring or during the fall to enjoy the beauty of this tourist attraction in favorable weather conditions.

How to Get to Shahdad Kalouts

To visit the Kalouts of Shahdad, no matter where you are in Iran, make your way to Kerman. Take the Bam-Kerman road until you reach Sirch. Continue on this route until you reach the Shahdad-Golbaf intersection. From there, follow the signposts to Shahdad.

Attractions Near Shahdad Kalouts

After exploring Shahdad Kalouts, with proper planning, you can visit other nearby attractions to make the most of your trip. Here, we introduce three of the most intriguing sites near Shahdad Kalouts:


  • Shafie Abad Caravanserai The Shafie Caravanserai, a relic from the Qajar era, is located in Shafie Abad village of Kerman. This historical attraction is situated on the Nehbandan-Shahdad road.
  • Gandom Beryan Region in Shahdad, Kerman Gandom Beryan, also known as the Scorched Wheat, is one of the wonders of the Lut Desert and is located in the eastern part of the Raver mountains in Kerman.
  • Shahzade mahan Garden (Bagh-e Shazdeh Mahan) in Kerman The Prince’s Garden is one of the most famous Persian gardens and has global recognition.

Address: Kerman – Haft Bagh Highway – Shazdeh Mahan Road.


“Travel” can have a unique meaning for each of us. Some of us might choose to stay in a luxurious hotel and enjoy upscale leisure activities during our trip, while others might prefer exploring natural attractions and seek adventures. If you belong to the latter group, you’re probably excited about getting to know one of the phenomena of the Lut Desert! We hope that after reading what you have, on your next trip to Kerman, you’ll make time to visit the Kalouts of Shahdad.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Where are Shahdad's klots located in Iran?
Kerman – Barian wheat region
The best time to travel to Shahdad?
spring and autumn

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