Mexico City International Airport

Mexico City International Airport is one of the main airports in Mexico.

The supervision and management of this airport is done by one of the Mexican government companies. You may also hear the name of Mexico City International Airport as Benito Juarez Airport. In any case, what is important is the importance and fundamental role of this airport in the air transportation of Mexico.

Before the construction and opening of the this place, an air site was considered in its area, which was used for flights and air travel. The activity of this aerial site was official since 1910. After the Mexico City airport was built, the first flight from Mexico and Latin America was made by Albert Bernief.

Over time, this aerial site expanded and gained more features. For example, in 1915, it resumed operations with five runways and was used for larger purposes. In 1928, a city airport was built in the same area. Of course, it is better to know that the operation of this airport was postponed until 1931 so that those involved could establish more regular activities.

Read the travel guide to Mexico in this section

Finally, in 1943, on January 8th, the title of Mexico City International Airport was given to this airport and its news was announced in the official newspapers. In this way, the international activities of the Mexico City airport began and passengers could use this airport for their domestic and international trips.


Mexico City airport map



Over time, this fledgling airport was able to expand its activities and increase its capabilities. The first foreign route through which the flights of this airport operated was the route that ended from Los Angeles International Airport to Mexico City Airport. After six years have passed since the start of this route, along with activities such as the construction of aerial platforms, control tower, administrative offices and the construction of a new terminal, the project of building a new airport runway began.

This runway started its activity in 1951 and a year later the new terminal of the airport was opened by the President of Mexico. Today, more than 30 domestic and foreign airlines and 17 freight companies are operating through this airport.

According to what was said at the beginning of this text, Mexico International Airport is managed and supervised by a government company. Of course, this airport is at the top of 22 airports managed by this company. The local name of the airport in question is Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México Benito Juárez. The number of employees of Mexico City International Airport reaches 50,000 people, of which 35 people interact directly with this airport.

According to statistics, an average of 100,000 passengers per day travel to more than 100 domestic and foreign destinations through this airport.

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